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Beer, Cider &Music

We are very fortunate to be sponsored by Carlsberg and Exmoor Ales, who will be supplying a fantastic range of local ales and ciders.

If you would like to donate your time as a Musician/Band/Artist, we would be very pleased to hear from you. We also rely on Volunteers to man our Festival Bar. No experience necessary. Fun guaranteed with a friendly group of people. For more information please ring Paul on 01984 631 279, or send us a message via our facebook page

What's it all about?

Bellfest is now in it's 7th year. What started out as a one day live music marathon has now evolved into a three day event of local musicians and a great range of

local ales and ciders. We are raising money for two fantastic charities - Alzheimer's Research UK

and Elliot's Touch.

We have always been keen supporters of Alzheimer's Research UK here at The Bell Inn. With many quizzes, skittles events and even marathons previously taking place in aid of this hugely important charity.

We are also proud to support Elliot's Touch, a local charity set up in memory of Elliot Stevens, who tragically past away at the age of 13 months. Elliot's Touch promote awareness of Mitochondrial Disease and Childhood Cardiomyopathy and raise valuable

funds for research.

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